RoxFM will be going into lock down along with the rest of South Australia from Thursday 19th to Tuesday 24th November (inclusive). Our volunteers will stay at home for the duration and we will continue to play great music throughout. The news will continue and we hope to bring you a couple of remote shows – watch our facebook page for high quality replica rolex datejust 179174 rolex calibre 2671 mingzhu engine ladies black mother of pearl dial news of these shows. RoxFM will be back to support the community after this circuit breaker lock down and in the mean time keep an eye on the Roxby Downs council facebook and webpage for up to date information.
Full circuit breaker lock down details can be found here:
Please don’t panic. The supermarket is open for essential food, the bottleshops will stay open, and there is plenty of mental health support available.

If you need help or advice links and phone numbers can be found here: