
Welcome to Rox FM Membership Hub!

Join or Renew Your Membership Today!

Support your local community radio station and enjoy exclusive benefits as a Rox FM member.

Become a
Why become
a member?
What’s in it
for you?
Who benefits
from RoxFM?
& Fees
How do I
sign up?

RoxFM is a community run radio station, which means we rely on community involvement to keep the station running!

RoxFM has been in Roxby Downs since 2003, and we’d love to be around for many more years!

Anyone in Roxby can become a member too, whether you’re an individual or a family, a community group, or even a business!

There are lots of reasons to support your local radio station.
RoxFM is the only local media in Roxby Downs, and play a big role in getting local news into the community;
whether that be about upcoming events or emergency notifications.

RoxFM also gives locals a chance to flex their creative muscles and put together their own radio programs on things they’re passionate about and want to share with the town.

We travel all over Roxby Downs to provide music and coverage of local events for different community groups around town, and just try and get as involved as possible!

Far be it from us to expect anything for free!

For Volunteers: Host your own show, get training, and volunteer at community events.
For Businesses & Groups: Get 2 free community announcements aired 30 times per year.
For Everyone: Voting rights at the AGM & supporting a local charity!

​As a member of RoxFM you’ll get discounts on our merchandise, including our t-shirts!
All RoxFM members also get a say on how the station’s run, getting to vote in our AGM each year! 

You do, of course! 

You and everyone else in Roxby Downs! Whether it be livening up Market Days, or supporting local events like the skate park re-opening, RoxFM exists to benefit the community.

We’re not-for-profit, and everything we earn goes into providing quality radio for the people of Roxby Downs.
All of our presenters are volunteers, and put the time in on air because they have a passion for the community. Roxby Downs is what you make of it and we’re proud to be able to offer the people in town a chance to get on the radio! ​

Individual – $40
Concession – $20
Family – $60
Community Group/Small Business – $100
Corporate/Institution – $200

We offer memberships for Individuals, Families, Community Groups, and Businesses, so we’ve got you covered!
RoxFM appreciates every single member, and thank you in advance for helping support your local radio station! 

Fill out the Membership Form: click here

Make Payment:
Bank Transfer: ROX FM
BSB: 085 896  
ACC: 971526806

Reference: [Your Name + Membership]
Request an invoice if needed

Check your email for a confirmation message!

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